Currently minimalist house very favored by the people around the world, especially in the capital city , because the simple design modern impressed that brings the atmosphere or ambiance of the house are beautiful and interesting to design outside and inside the house. Minimalist house also brought home the impression of a neat and clean appearance of minimalist concept itself is not recommended with much detail, because dark colors may cause the classical impressed.
Usually minimalist house brings many benefits to the owner and / or occupants of the home are caused by several factors, for example, the exchange of air and sunlight are good because a lot of windows and glass against a minimalist homes and open space. Build a minimalist home can also save the cost of finishing due to minimalist home tend to play with the paint color of the walls a bright compared to using wallpaper that can be quite expensive if akin to the use of paint.
But keep in mind though using wallpaper is usually more expensive than using paint but depending on the type selected wallpaper example, if you use the wallpaper is fairly cheap with low quality may be more expensive paints that use good quality paint. However, in this discussion the authors use examples for comparison with paint and wallpaper with international standards. In addition putting wall ornament on the ceiling and minimalist structures can also be fairly inexpensive when compared to classic house.
In addition, build a minimalist house saves a lot of time for finishing arguably minimalist house very quickly for about 8 months workmanship for a minimalist standard. That is why many property entrepreneurs build their home projects with minimalist concept: relatively cheap, fast, nice design.
Minimalist home is also a favorite in developed countries due to the development of relatively inexpensive, it does not take long time considering labor costs which are very expensive in developed countries and therefore saving labor costs is one important factor in developed countries such as, America and Australia prefer minimalist design.