Living Space

Different Ways To Maintain a Septic Tank

Homeowners with septic tanks often pay scant attention to this vital home system. Unfortunately, tanks can begin to suffer the ravages of overuse over time, and problems can quickly occur if the system gets neglected for too long. However, you can take steps to ensure the long life of your septic tank. Several different means of properly maintaining a septic tank can help prolong its practical activity.

1. Avoid Certain Soaps

If you own a septic tank, best practices recommend not using powdered laundry soap. This type of detergent can, over time, stick to the insides of the septic tank. This soap residue then tends to break off in big chunks, ultimately clogging the septic drain field.

2. Avoid Harsh Chemicals

Using bleach or other chemicals that wind up in your septic system will eventually kill off all the helpful septic tank bacteria. Enabling good bacteria to grow benefits the durability of the septic tank because these vital bacteria work all the time to decompose the solids in the septic tank, which helps keep the waste at the lowest possible levels in the tank. One step you can take to help the beneficial septic tank bacteria thrive includes purchasing products that flush down the toilet, allowing this essential bacteria to rejuvenate.

3. Prevent Vehicle Damage

Septic tank service professionals advise that you avoid driving over the septic drain field. Heavy vehicles can smash the pipes down, which over time damages the drain field

4. Careful Plant Placement

Homeowners will also want to avoid growing plants on their septic drain field. The reason for this lies in the fact that plant roots can grow down and clog the perforated septic drain field pipes.

5. Drain the Tank

If the tank becomes too full, it will require draining. Septic tank draining service providers bring a tanker truck with a large hose to your tank, insert the hose into the tank and suction the solid waste out.

Septic systems require routine upkeep. Consequently, your septic tank will provide excellent service for many years as you follow these maintenance ideas.


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