Shingles are a great choice for roofing as they are affordable, versatile, and long-lasting. If you’ve decided on shingles for your new roof, you’ve made a wise decision. Unfortunately, now you have to choose the right color. And with so many colors to choose from, how can you possibly decide? The following tips can help.
1. Consider Your Home’s Color
One of the most important factors in choosing the color of your shingles is making sure it compliments your home’s color. If your home is white, you can pretty much choose anything. Red and brown homes tend to pair well with brown, gray, and green. Light gray and beige or cream homes look good with black, blue, green, and gray roofing.
2. Determine If There Are Any Regulations
Some areas have regulations on what colors you can choose for your roofing. This is usually due to environmental factors. For example, some areas might require light-colored roofing, as it absorbs less heat and helps with energy efficiency. If you’re uncertain of where to find such information, professionals like IKO roofing specialists can help.
3. Take a Look Around
It’s your home, of course, so outside of regulations, you can do pretty much anything you want to do. This includes standing out among your neighbors. You can be different – but you might want to temper it to some degree.
If your roof stands out too much and brings negative attention, you might have a hard time selling your home in the future. So take a look around and find a way to be individual without wreaking havoc on the harmony in your neighborhood.
4. Seek Help
If you’re still uncertain about what color to choose, you don’t have to make the decision alone. Companies that sell products like IKO shingles are happy to guide you through it and provide recommendations. Never be afraid to ask – your roof is too big of an investment.