Living Space

Author Archive: foolspace

How to make commercial landscaping easy and eye-catching

Well-maintained and eye-catching commercial landscaping isn’t that difficult to design and it pays dividends in both the short and long term. Professional landscaping can enhance your company’s public image and go a long way to enticing new clients and retain existing clients. The aesthetic appeal of beautifully maintained landscaping cannot be understated. It stands out starkly against buildings that are surrounded by a landscape that has lost its way, ending up dusty, muddy, unkempt and knee high in weeds. So how can you create landscaping that looks good and isn’t time-consuming to maintain?

Three keys to easy commercial landscaping

Beautiful landscaping doesn’t have to be costly or difficult, not if you keep the following three principles in mind: keep it simple, keep it well-maintained and keep it watered.

Keep it simple: Whilst your landscaping will differ depending on your business and the image you want to promote to the public, it should always be kept simple. Numerous pathways, grottos and garden beds might be aesthetically pleasing, but at the same time they create an enormous amount of work for the gardeners will need to maintain it. (more…)

3 Types of Equipment You Need for Industrial Wastewater Treatment

Accumulating wastewater is just part of doing business if you work in an industrial field. It is also quite common for dairy farms, food processing factories, and breweries. To ensure the integrity of the property, the business, and the environment, such companies turn to industrial wastewater treatment solutions. A range of options are available for cleaning wastewater.

1. Ultrafiltration Systems

Ultrafiltration systems can reduce oily water by as much as 98% without having to add chemicals. The pressure-driven system includes a membrane that removes a variety of contents, including emulsified oils, suspended solids, and other dispersed material. UF systems can also remove small fines during the tumbling and deburring processes. This allows for the recycling and reuse of the water and soap solution. UF membrane technology can save a business up to 90% in waste disposal costs and 75% on water and detergent. (more…)

How to Grow Coleus in Your Backyard

Most people think of coleus as a shade plant with drab colors that were often grown by their grandparents. However, this kind of perspective has recently changed as cultivars have been grown that allowed them to grow and, not to mention, thrive under the sun. Coleus plants that are grown under the sun have colors that are vivid. When put under a shade, the colors become dull and drab.

It doesn’t matter whether their leaves are small with ruffles or large ones with margins, their bold colors are what make them the perfect choice for summer plants. Although they have flowers, they are often removed and planted elsewhere since the coleus doesn’t need to expend its energy in producing flowers at all.

Though the newest cultivars are capable of handling the heat, their growth usually stops when the temperature drops below 55 degrees Fahrenheit. The plants can get damaged too even if the slightest hint of frost occurs. (more…)

Planting Perennials in the Garden

Almost all flowering gardens do have perennials planted in them because of their blooms that can add beauty to any garden. Compared to annual plants that need to be replanted yearly, perennials die at the end of their season but will grow from the same roots come next year. Most people choose perennials because they are not that hard to grow or even maintain. The qualities of their blooms not to mention the profusion of colors they end up with are just a few reasons why they are favorites in many gardens.

If you are planning on adding perennials to your own garden, here are a few things you might want to know.

Perennials have different bloom time, culture as well as lifespan based on their types. There are some plants that can only live for a few years, or a lifetime just like peonies. (more…)

The Best Septic Systems For Your Property

Looking for ways to make your home cleaner, greener, and safer? It might be time to rethink your conventional septic system.

Septic systems technology has come a long way in the past years. These days, every homeowner has options. The best septic system for your property might be a safe alternative to the system you already use. Here are a few examples of modern septic systems that can help to keep your home safe, speed up the filtering process, and protect the environment around your property.

If one of these systems sounds like a good option for your home, just get in touch with a professional septic installation company near you to learn more.