Wind Power Solutions for Your Home
This is certainly a time where the increasing demand for energy is catching up with the supply. It is still hard to believe that we have waited so long to actually do something about it. While the world is playing catch up, and you are trying to save on your personal energy bill, is there anything else that can be done? Well yes.
There are solar and wind options available that are pollution free and certainly renewable at zero cost? You could be seeing drastic reductions in your energy bill. You may also have an edge on the inevitable power outage!
For right now we are going to review the wind power option that can be used at home.
There are certain conditions that make wind power solutions work better. Here are a few:
• You have a house spread over a large area. Typically, wind power solutions are employed in areas that spread over an acre. Also some local laws may prevent you from having wind power devices unless you meet space requirements.
• Your average wind speed should be no less than 11 miles per hour. If you do not have enough wind, your system will not work.
• You need to draw water from external sources. If you need to draw water from outside on a regular basis, a wind power system is most certainly the best solution.
• You need an uninterrupted power supply. Saving the grief of those power outages is easy with the pollution-free wind power systems.
Most wind power systems have 4 or 5 blades to harness the power of the wind. The height will vary according to your location and conditions. You may need a taller tower if you don’t have as much wind. This power can be used just as you use the energy from the power company. It can be stored or even sold back to your power company if you have excess. Just don’t expect to get the same price that they charge you!
Sometimes people get confuse over the “wind power” jargon. Just for your information the terms wind mills, wind turbines, and wind generators are all the same.
So can you survive by wind power alone? Well if you have a state of the art system and live in the right location, it is possible. But mostly people can drastically reduce the amount of energy that they are purchasing from the power company. And you may be surprised at how low the cost could be to build your own system.