Reducing My Energy Consumption: I’m From the Government and I am Here to Help You
I live it the first state. Delaware. So I thought that since I was going to reduce my energy consumption, maybe I could get some help from the government. After all I am helping the planet. So we have this great program called Energize Delaware. It is made to reduce energy consumption. So you first have an auditor come to your home and do an energy audit. He makes recommendations, and you get a check from Delaware based on what you do. Sounds easy and I am about to get something for free! NOT!
The very first thing is for me to pick an auditor from the “approved” list. They range in price from free to $450. So I started making phone calls. What a bunch of losers I talked with. I finally found one that sounded smart. And they were doing the audit for FREE! OK, this is looking good. Well when the auditor got here it didn’t take me long to figure out that he had an agenda. And it did not include doing me any favors or getting me into the Energize Delaware program. He wanted to “seal” the leaks in my home at the tune of $4,000. A whole lot of baseless promises on all of this money I would save by reducing my energy consumption. Sorry, I am not buying. I am thinking that I may not live long enough to see that $4,000 save me that much in reduced energy consumption!
And if I was to get a check from the program I had to use an “approved” contractor to install my system. The problem was that the “approved” contractors were twice as much as the one that I used. So a $10,000 system would have been $20,000 and I would have received a check for $4,000 from the program. Ummmmm, not sure if I want to participate. So here I am back at square one and with no help from the government. (I will actually get some tax credits on next years taxes)