How To Tell You Need to Refinish Your Floors
When you bought your house, the original hardwood floors were part of why you loved it so much. Those sturdy floors have seen a lot over their lifetime — and sometimes it shows. Being able to retain the nostalgia in the hardwood floors can help your home stay looking refreshed and updated for years to come, but if you start to notice that they’re looking a little worse for the wear then it might be time to refinish them.
There Are Significant Scratches and Dents
A little scuff on the original floors looks cool and can help to tell the house’s story. It’s such a sought-after look that even brand new floor models like Monarch Plank Storia II mimic the look of weathered wood to give the home a shabby chic motif. However, there is a difference between scuff marks that add to the aesthetic and scratches so deep they discolor the wood and make guests wonder what the heck happened there. (more…)