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Real Estate

Mortgage Brokers – Getting Competitive Mortgage Rates and Professional Guidance

Mortgage brokers are sometimes disregarded when searching for a mortgage. Many individuals really do not understand the savings which can be made by hiring a mortgage broker. When searching for an affordable mortgage rate. Not only can they help you save time and money, they can also provide you very helpful advice, and let you know the difficulties that mortgages involve. They can simplify the process, which enables you to see what you are engaging, and more significantly, whether or not you can actually afford it.

Mortgage brokers represent a huge variety of loan providers, including mortgage companies as well as traditional banks directly and even indirectly, by the loan companies that they think that they can stabilize their own position at the cost of the middle man market. There is absolutely no other way to see what is happening, with direct offers, lowering of processing fees along with the power they maintain with the Gov and also FSA. (more…)

Can Foreigners Own Property in Thailand?

Are you planning to buy a condo or villa in Thailand but uncertain as to how this is successfully done? . Well here one can find the basic guidelines of what should be done and how to invest property in Thailand.

Choose a Real estate Agent

As you are trying to find property in Thailand you will need expert local help. The local real estate agents know how to speak in Thai and they are acquainted with the geographical area. The real estate agents can help you save time in choosing and showing you the property within the size of your pocket that also matches your specifications.

Buying directly from the property developers isn’t going to help you save money when compared with buying it from a real estate agent. A high-quality property for sale in Thailand is usually offered at a fixed price. (more…)

Buyers Agent Can Help You Buy the Right Property in Real Estate

The buyers agent will help you in analyzing how much property you really can afford to buy. The buyer agent will ask you the yearly income, and from that point, the buyer agent will be able to make estimation, the agent can determine whether you will be eligible for a mortgage or not.

Your buyer agent can guide you to reliable mortgage companies. The agent may even suggest you to a mortgage consultant to facilitate you to get a pre-approved mortgage. In getting pre-approved mortgage, it can benefit you to determine on the amount you really can afford in buying property. And it will also help speed-up the transaction process. As sellers would rather choose buyer who have pre-approved mortgage.

If you plan to buy property in Sydney, Rose & Jones Sydney Buyers Agent will search for all the property available on the market and narrow it down based on the budget and features you have discussed with the agent. So the property buyer agent can show you limited lists of property that meet your requirements.

The agent also will schedule to make some visits to the properties. When you have questions regarding the properties during the visit, the buyer agent will assist you find the right answers to all your questions.

If you need to renovate the property you will buy, the buyer agent may be able to help you out, and the agent will provide names of contractors which can get the job done for you. The buyer’s agent will also help you in negotiating with the property sellers. They will make offers. They are excellent in the real estate industry, these people know how to deal with things in the property transaction, and they know the right way to deal with the sellers which means that the buyer agent will help you find strategies in making bargains, several offers and with contract deadlines.

Lighthouse Point, Florida Beacon For Home Sales

Like other areas of Florida, Lighthouse Point is in a strong seller’s market, say local Realtors.

“Florida real estate is booming! The average single family home is appreciating approximately 18 percent per year,” says Realtor Maria Galligan. “Broward County is almost totally built out with almost no more vacant land for builders to develop. The trend is moving east and old homes are being either torn down or majorly renovated. Developers are very active in high-rise condos and townhouses. The feeling is that this trend is going to continue for quite some time and the costs will keep rising. Investors are buying pre-construction and making a tidy profit at time of completion when they re-sell.”

“The real estate market in Lighthouse Point and the surrounding area has been “red hot” for the past six months,” say Realtors Marilyn Wechsler and Allen Rosenthal. “The result is a decrease in available inventory. Whether you are interested in buying or selling, now may be the best time to call for assistance with your plans. It’s anybody’s guess how long the cost of borrowing will remain affordable or low.” Suggests Realtor Karen Dove, “The intercostal and Hillsboro Mile and the inlet are to the east, Deerfield Beach and The Cove are to the north, and Pompano Beach and Fort Lauderdale to the south. Wonderful waterways wind through this boating community, many new high-end homes offer easy access to the sea for large deepwater yachts; upscale dry lot homes enjoy the lifestyle and breezes off the ocean.

“Safe and clean, and minutes to all the amenities you could want or need, Lighthouse Point is a most unique upscale community,” says Dove. “There’s condos sitting on the intercostal and the Hillsboro inlet where the Lighthouse points the to the sea. The nearby communities of Las Olas, Fort Lauderdale, Boca Raton and Delray make for easy access to fine dining, the very best of shopping and the arts. The ease of ocean cruising from this town brings new boaters and residents here in droves.

Dove advises, “For the serious boater, there are a wide choice of priced properties, the land-lubber dry lot homes run considerably less but still afford you this area’s lifestyle. Florida draws folks from all over the world, the international mix of the cultures can be found in the diversified dining and architecture found from years past and now reflected in homes and communities being built. There are abundant choices of both new and custom construction in LHPT. Feel free to come, play and live in one of the most desirable areas in South Florida.”

What to Do If You Can’t Get Homeowners Insurance

Purchasing and keeping your homeowners insurance policy is increasingly difficult these days. Premium costs are escalating at double-digit rates, many companies’ renewal policies are tightening, some companies aren’t even selling new policies in some states, and if you live in a wildfire- or hurricane-prone area, or have a history of numerous claims, getting insurance is sometimes a complicated – and expensive -matter.
And that can make the whole home-buying process more difficult, especially if you’re buying your first house.

One of the biggest triggers leading to these new restrictions and rate increases is the emergence of mold lawsuits and the direction jury verdicts and judicial interpretations are taking, according to the Insurance Information Institute.
While damage from mold is specifically excluded from the standard homeowners policy, it is covered if it is the result of a covered peril, like a pipe that bursts causing water damage.
But now insurers say that if they are going to be asked, by juries and court rulings, to pay for what isn’t covered, that consumers will suffer.

“Potential rate increases needed to cover the cost of mold claims threaten to make home insurance coverage unaffordable for some and unavailable for others. A crisis in the price and availability of homeowners coverage could have far-reaching effects on home sales, and, as a result, the economy as a whole,” the III says in a topic paper on the mold issue.

Allstate has sought rate increases averaging almost 20 percent in 23 states. And State Farm, the largest home insurer in the country, has stopped writing new policies in a handful of states, including Texas, California, and Louisiana.
Another factor that may keep you from getting a homeowners insurance policy is a bad or borderline credit history.
Through the years insurers have found a person’s credit information to be a highly accurate predictor of risk, according to the Insurance Information Institute, a non-profit organization supported by the property and casualty insurance business.

While insurers look at the same factors as lenders, they weigh each factor differently. If you suspect your credit history is the reason you are denied insurance, get a copy of your credit report and make sure it is accurate. Better yet, review your credit reports before you apply for insurance or a loan.

Or perhaps your home, or one you are thinking about buying, is considered high-risk, meaning it might be prone to hurricanes, windstorms, tornadoes, or hail; is in a high-crime area; or has old plumbing, electrical or heating systems that present a higher chance of property damage.

If two or more insurers won’t issue you a homeowners policy, there are options. The I will suggests:
That if you are buying a new home to ask your real estate agent, lender, or builder for names of companies that write in the area.That if you are purchasing an existing house to ask the previous owners who insured the house.
Ask your current insurance agent or company representative for assistance. If the problem does not stem from your home’s location, but its condition, find out what you can do to remedy the problems and bring your home up to insurable condition.

Contact the Institute for Business and Home Safety for information on natural hazards, community land use and ways you can protect your property from damage. It can be reached at
Talk to your neighbors. Find out what through which company they are insured. Talk to their agents about specific risks in your neighborhood.

Call your state insurance department.

Usually it can provide you with insurers in your area. You may have to get insured through a state-run risk pool, operated by 29 states and the District of Columbia.
You can buy from an agency company that sells through agents, or a direct writer company, in which agents represent several insurers. The most important thing factors are the company’s reputation for service, its financial stability, and the coverage offered.

If you are still unable to get insurance, find out if your state has a plan known as shared market. FAIR Plans (Fair Access to Insurance Requirements) are insurance pools that sell property insurance to those who can’t get it in the standard market.

FAIR Plans can cost more and may provide less coverage than a typical policy, but they offer protection that you would not have otherwise. About 12 states have some sort of a homeowners policy, including liability. In California the plan covers brush fires, and in Georgia and New York they provide wind and hail coverage for some coastal communities. And in seven Atlantic and Gulf states, there is an equivalent program – Beach and Windstorm Plans – that provide coverage against hurricanes and windstorms.