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The importance of airduct cleaning in your home

Cleaning the air duct components is necessary to keep it working effectively. This may bring about improved energy saving and also enhance the durability of the air duct. Additionally, it can decrease the energy bill by a significant amount. However, the home might be uncomfortable when the air duct breaks and it is even expensive to fix it and even more expensive to purchase the new one.

Another positive factor to cleaning air ducts on regular basis is that it helps prevent allergen hypersensitivity by keeping the air circulation dust free. Your home air duct is a top collector of dust, debris, pet droppings and as well other pollutants that undoubtedly become the causes of allergen hypersensitivity and breathing issues such as asthma. It will be important to maintain the cleanliness of your air duct in your home in which kids and elderly people live as they are at risk of allergies. (more…)

Wetland treatment system on Barratta Creek

Barratta Creek has experienced some water quality exceedences so we thought it would be a really important site to actually trial a constructed wetland treatment system. So we’re looking at ways of moving back up through the catchment and intercept the nutrients and sediment that finding their way to the reef. This was a borrow pit before so we saw as an opportunity to repurpose something that was already here without impinging on productive land. The difference is now we are slowing that water down and intercepting it. Before the water probably came in and out in – maybe in an hour or two. We are wanting to hold it back for about 24 to 36 hours.

The inlet to the wetland is normally a standing water area where the water is slowed down and the sediments are settled out. This captures it in a location that is easily accessible and can be cleaned out. We put in these diversion buttons to create a convoluted flow path so that the water is then pushed up through all the reeds and around the end and then and then back down in a much more controlled way and similarly on the inlet on the opposite end there’s another bund that pushes water in and around and we deliberately did that to make more use of the wetland area. (more…)

Sue Your Landlord to Resolve Landlord-Tenant Disputes

You are already in an apartment lease and when you come home from work one night you notice there’s a huge hole in the ceiling and the hole is larger then the last time you reported it to your landlord. And apparently they are not going to do anything about it.

I’m here to answer the questions how to sue your landlord to resolve a landlord tenant dispute. Well one of the first things you want to consider is what does your lease agreement with this landlord say.

They may very well be a provision in the lease agreement itself that dictates whether you can sue the landlord or whether you have to do something before you can sue the landlord such as go through a dispute resolution process or something of that nature. (more…)

How to deal with a difficult landlord

Here are a few tips on dealing with a difficult landlord.

Tip 1: Know your lease.

Make sure you’ve actually read through and fully understand your lease. Double check to see if it’s a month-to-month lease or a year lease. Check for additional fees like pet rat, amenity charges, or penalties associated with breaking your lease before the term is up. These details can often be overlooked when initially reviewing the lease. It is in fact a legal document so before you sign your rights away make sure you fully understand what you’re signing.

 Tip 2: Communicate Issues Clearly.

If you’re ever in need of something to be fixed make sure your landlord knows the importance of it. The more detail you are about the issue, the more likely you areto get it fixed quickly and correctly. Think about making a request in writing. It’s easy to just call up your landlord and tell them something is broken, however with that it’s just as easy for your landlord to forget that request. (more…)

Breathe new Life Into Your Kitchen

Nothing rejuvenates your home like a custom kitchen remodel. The term ‘custom’ doesn’t necessarily have to break the bank, it just means that it’s personalized to your use and taste. Here are some ideas to include when you redo your kitchen.

Upgrade Your Appliances

Have you always wanted that beautiful stainless steel finish on your appliances? Or maybe you prefer a black finish or even the built-in style with the wooden doors to match your cabinets. You can likely find just about anything you’re looking for including a wine refrigerator, a drawer just for warming food or any number of other innovative appliances. For great results call the company that specializing in appliance installation Washington DC residents rely on when they need the job done right. (more…)